Momma Always Said

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Kendall got a call earlier today from the hospital in Minneapolis telling them that they have a kidney from a deceased donor waiting on Tyler! They left shortly after that and should be arriving in Minneapolis in a few hours! If all goes well, Tyler will be in surgery tomorrow (Sunday) morning. She will let me know sometime tomorrow if they were able to do it or not. I'm praying they can and his body will accept it as his own.

Kendall's birthday is also tomorrow. Every time someone asks what she wants for her birthday she said a kidney for Tyler... well, her birthday wish might come true.

I am trying to fly to Minneapolis later this week. One of my friends works with NWA and can get me a ticket there for 100 bucks short notice. Keith, Kendall's husband, has to leave Minneapolis on Monday or Tuesday for work. He'll be gone for a few days but Brianna (their 2 y/o) will still be with her. So I will help out with Brianna. I'll stay in the Ronald McDonald house with Kendall as well. If I did go, the kids would stay with a friend. I would only be gone for a day. I would fly out in the morning some time and come back the next day. We will see... I'm not sure if I will be able to do it or not....

Keep Tyler and the family in your prayers. I will keep everyone updated.


Mawmaw said...

That is great news for Tyler and his family!! We will keep them in our prayers. It is very good of you to go to the hospital to help in their time of need. Love ya.

Juniebird said...

Yes, be sure to let us all know what happens and how Tyler is doing. I am so happy to hear the good news!