Momma Always Said

Saturday, May 01, 2010


I know its been a while since I blogged last... sorry. But as usual, its been really busy around here. I thought I would make a quick update to let you guys know what is going on.

Kylee- Kylee is no longer in preschool. I thought it was best to pull her out early. She seems to be just fine without going the last couple of months. In fact, I think we all enjoy not having to get ready for school. We can play in the morning now too, which they really enjoy. I registered her for Kindergarten a few months back. She'll be going to Dakota Elem next year. She's excited but I do not know if she realizes that Kindergarten is going to be much different than Preschool. Kylee's birthday is coming up. I cannot believe my little girl is going to be 5! We are having her party May 22nd since we will be in VA all of June. She's having her party at the play place on base. We gave up trying to do her party at the house, its always so nasty outside and we don't have the room for all of those people. This year she gets to invite school friends too, so she is really excited.

Wyatt- What can I saw about Wyatt except that he is getting so big. I do not think he has actually grown any, but he acts older. Poor kid is still on the shorter side, all of his friends tower over him. He constantly talks in sentences, doesn't want to be quiet, and likes to talk back. He is still a dare devil, but we have been lucky and havent had any more ER trips since the Galveston incident. Wyatt will be 3 in July, and no, he is not potty trained yet. He has no interest in it. He only likes to pee in the shower or his diaper. I have even tried letting him have fun and 'water the grass' but still no interest. I guess I shouldn't worry about it until after our vacation. One less kid having to pee every 20 minutes would be nice for our long drive to VA. He starts preschool this Fall at the base Head Start. Now, the head start on base is just like any other preschool. Its nice, clean, and fun. I had my reservations about him going before, but its not like this is an inner city. The HS is super nice and its free. We only qualify because James was deployed last year. I'm not sure if he will be ready to go. He seems so much younger than Kylee was when she started preschool. BRB, wyatt just said he had to pee. maybe this is the day he wants to start!!


nina said...

The way all our little ones are growing just makes my head spin! And, oh, how I wish we all lived closer to one another. I feel as though I am missing so much!